Friday, August 27, 2010

A Mutant Parakeet

Parrot is one of the cute birds in the bird’s species. In other words parrot can also be called as parakeet. Because any kind of large unrelated small to medium sized parrot species are exclusively called as parakeet

In general they are having very long tail feathers. Parakeet is also called as paroquet or paraquet. Parakeets are native to grasslands like Neophema and Princess Parrot. Sometimes the Australian rosellas are also coined as parakeets

Parrots have strong curved bills, strength legs and clawed feet. The predominant color of parrot is green ranging from light to bright colors. Some species are multicolored also

The weird species of parakeets are also seen in their species. They look different than the other ordinary species in their appearance and in their behavior. Most varieties of parakeets shows a very little or no sexual dimorphism

Monday, August 9, 2010


The giraffe is the tallest of all the land-living animal species. It is a mammal also called African even-toed unguate mammal. The scientific name of giraffe is Camelopard, that refers to the irregular patches of color on a background

The average weight of the adult male giraffe is 1200 kilograms and of the female is about 830 kilograms. Its height is approximately 4.3 meters to 5.2 meters, though some male can grow up to 6 meters

Giraffe generally having habitat in savannas, grasslands, open woodlands. Even when there is scarcity of food they themselves can migrate to denser vegetation. They can only eat green leaves. They can drink large amount of water and store it for a long period of time. So they can able to live for long periods in a dry, arid areas

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Golden-mantled ground squirrel

The animal generally mentions to members of the Class Mammalia and it is better known as mammals. The golden-mantled ground squirrel scrubs itself by rolling in the dirt and combing its fur with its teeth and claws.

It can be found in southeastern British Columbia south to New Mexico and Southern California.

It is common in rocky areas up to the timberline and found in the places of rocky meadows and in sagebrush areas.

Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Rodentia
Family: Sciuridae
Genus: Spermophilus

Friday, July 23, 2010

Fidel Castro - The Legend Of Cuba

Fidel Castro is the Cuban former president. Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz was his full name. He was born near Mayari Cuba in August 13, 1926. Castro was the primary and foremost leader of Cuba and he is the first person in the world to serve as a prime minister for a nation for a long time from February 1976 to December 1976. After that also he act as the President of Cuba until he his resignation in February 2008. Currently he serves as a First Secretary of Communist Party of Cuba.

Castro was born in a rich family and he did his law degree also. His college life made him to start the revolution in Cuba. As a result of his victory in that revolution he became the Prime Minister of Cuba. Castro and his commanders made lot of revolutionary movements for Cuba's freedom.

Some of Castro's adventurous movements are:

  • Attack on Moncada Barracks
  • 26th of July Movement
  • Operation Verano
  • Battle of Yaguajay

Due to his intestinal surgery he transferred his power to his brother Raul Castro on July 31, 2006. Later on February 2008, the Cuban National Assembly properly announced that Raul Castro to succeed Fidel Castro as the President of Cuba.

"A revolution is not a bed of roses!
A revolution is a struggle to the death between the future and the past!"

Thursday, July 22, 2010

What's new in ROBOT?

Robot Realm- A New Discovery

Mine Discovery robot

Fashion Robot To Hit Japan Catwalk

Do masculine and feminine names are same in animals?

Animal Masculine Feminine Young
Bear Boar Sow Cub
Cat Tom Queen Kitten
Cattle Bull Cow Calf
Chicken Rooster Hen Chick
Deer Buck Doe Fawn
Dog Dog Bitch Pup
Duck Drake Duck Duckling
Elephant Bull Cow Calf
Fox Dog Vixen Cub
Goose Gander Goose Gosling
Goat Billy-goat Nanny-goat Kid
Horse Stallion Colt Mare Filly Foal
Lion Lion Lioness Cub
Cock (pigeon) CockHen Squab
Rabbit Buck Doe Bunny/Kit
Sheep Ram Ewe Lamb
Swan Cob Pen Cygnet
Swine Boar Sow Piglet
Tiger Tiger Tigress Cub
Whale Bull Cow Calf
Wolf Dog Bitch Pup

Monday, June 7, 2010

Endangered Animal Species

Alligaor, Amrican ( Alligaor mississippinsis)
Bankclimbr, purpl ( llipoidus sloaianus)
Ba, gray ( Myois grisscns)
Burfly, Schaus swallowail ( Hraclids arisodmus poncanus)
Caracara, Audubon's crsd (FL pop.) ( Polyborus plancus audubonii)
Cran, whooping [XN] ( Grus amricana)
Crocodil, Amrican ( Crocodylus acuus)
Darr, Okaloosa ( hosoma okaloosa)
Dr, Ky ( Odocoilus virginianus clavium)
agl, bald (lowr 48 Sas) ( Haliaus lucocphalus)
Jay, Florida scrub ( Aphlocoma corulscns)
Ki, vrglad snail (FL pop.) ( Rosrhamus sociabilis plumbus)
Mana, Ws Indian ( richchus manaus)
Moccasinshll, Gulf ( Mdionidus pnicillaus)
Moccasinshll, Ochlockon ( Mdionidus simpsonianus)
Mous, Anasasia Island bach ( Promyscus polionous phasma)
Mous, Chocawhach bach ( Promyscus polionous allophrys)
Mous, Ky Largo coon ( Promyscus gossypinus allapaicola)
Mous, Prdido Ky bach ( Promyscus polionous rissyllpsis)
Mous, souhasrn bach ( Promyscus polionous nivivnris)
Mous, S. Andrw bach ( Promyscus polionous pninsularis)
Panhr, Florida ( Puma concolor coryi)
Pigo, oval ( Plurobma pyriform)
Plovr, piping (xcp Gra Laks warshd) ( Charadrius mlodus)
Pockbook, shinyrayd ( Lampsilis subangulaa)
Puma (FL) ( Puma concolor)
Rabbi, Lowr Kys marsh ( Sylvilagus palusris hfnri)
Ric ra (lowr FL Kys) ( Oryzomys palusris naaor)
Salamandr, flawoods ( Ambysoma cingulaum)
Sa url, grn (FL, Mxico nsing pops.) ( Chlonia mydas)
Sa url, grn (xcp whr ndangrd) ( Chlonia mydas)
Sa url, hawksbill ( rmochlys imbricaa)
Sa url, Kmp's ridly ( Lpidochlys kmpii)
Sa url, lahrback ( Drmochlys coriaca)
Sa url, loggrhad ( Cara cara)
Sal, Caribban monk ( Monachus ropicalis)
Shrimp, Squirrl Chimny Cav ( Palamons cummingi)
Skink, bluail mol ( umcs grgius lividus)
Skink, sand ( Nosps rynoldsi)
Slabshll, Chipola ( llipio chipolansis)
Snail, Sock Island r ( Orhalicus rss)
Snak, Alanic sal marsh ( Nrodia clarkii aniaa)
Snak, asrn indigo ( Drymarchon corais coupri)
Sparrow, Cap Sabl sasid ( Ammodramus mariimus mirabilis)
Sparrow, Florida grasshoppr ( Ammodramus savannarum floridanus)
Sork, wood (AL, FL, GA, SC) ( Mycria amricana)
Surgon, Gulf ( Acipnsr oxyrinchus dsooi)
Surgon, shornos ( Acipnsr brvirosrum)
rn, rosa (Wsrn Hmisphr xcp N U.S.) ( Srna dougallii dougallii)
hr-ridg, fa ( Amblma nislrii)
Vol, Florida sal marsh ( Microus pnnsylvanicus dukcampblli)
Whal, finback ( Balanopra physalus)
Whal, humpback ( Mgapra novaanglia)
Whal, righ ( Balana glacialis)
Woodpckr, rd-cockadd ( Picoids boralis)
Woodra, Ky Largo ( Nooma floridana smalli)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Watch beautiful bird migration

Bird migration is nothing but the normal seasonal voyage undertaken by birds. This will be a fantastic sight for the bird watcher lovers. The bird migration can even happen in our backyards

The climatic changes in the length of the days make some hormonal changes in the birds which tends them to migrate

Birds usually migrate to long distance and the most common one is the migration of birds to north in spring and returning to their home place during winter. Migration can also take place due to some other reasons like food availability, weather, habitat, etc

During migration birds can fly to a height of about 500 to 2000 m. Some birds fly to a height of 6, 800 m and the swans fly to a height of about 8,000m. And the Bar-Headed Geese is found to fly at a height of about 9,000m

Conversation of energy is the main advantage of Bird's migration

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Mallard Duck

Mallard is a green head, yellow bill and black rump duck found mainly in the northern hemisphere. Millions of mallard ducks live in North America and Eurasia. In today’s world Mallard duck is considered to be the most abundant duck.

Mallard is a medium size duck that measure about 18 to 27 inches in length. At the time of breeding the male duck has a green head with white neck ring. The body will be gray in color with chestnut colored breast. The bill of the duck is yellow in color with a black tip. The female duck is mottled brown in color with white tail. Both the male and the female have bluish purple inner wings. But the female has a mottled orange and brown bill.

At the normal times the plumage of the male is similar to the females but it retains its yellow bill and chestnut colored breast.

The mallard duck will spend its winter in the warmer climate areas of US, Central America, and West Indies.

Mallard ducks most inhabit the wetlands. They can be found along the ponds, lakes, river beds, marshes, estuaries and sometimes even in ditches.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Vishayan spotted deer-world rarest animal

The Visayan spotted deer is one of the world's rarest mammals.

The Visayan spotted deer was not recognized as a separate species until 1983.

The range of the Visayan spotted deer is essentially the same as that of the endangered Visayan warty pig, which is subjected to the same threats.

Much of the destruction of the forests of the Visayan Islands, which are home to this deer, may be attributed to landless peasants and indigenous tribal groups who moved into these areas to clear temporary agricultural plots, especially after lumber concessions were terminated and the sugar industry became depressed. These plots are known as kaingin, and their soil is rapidly exhausted and new plots must be cleared every few years. Tropical storms wash the sparse topsoil off of the bare hillsides into the sea

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

World’s biggest spider

Scientific Classification

Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum - Arthropoda
Class - Arachnida
Order - Araneae
Family - Theraphosidae

About Goliath 

Goliath is a native to northern South America rain forest region. These spiders can grow up to 30 centimeter in length and can weigh about 120 grams. They have fully extended long leg. These are deep burrowing species and are common in the swampy and marshy areas.

Goliath spider video 

Friday, March 5, 2010


Dacetonarmigerum is an ant species is a predator in the forest canopy Suriname. The ant species nest and feeds in the tress all through south America. This is only ant species that is alive in its genus. Its habitat ranges from northern south America, Trinidad, Tababgo, Brazil, Ecuador, Venezuela, Surinam, Peru, Guiana, and French Guiana.

The ant has really strong jaws and it noted for its ferocious attacks. These antshighly visual predators. So when they see a thing they want they move after them in a hurry.

Daceton feeds on anything that they come in contact with. Most of the times, they feed on leaves and other available greenery. They also feed on other dead animals and insects they come across. The ants have the ability to adapt to surroundings.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

White-nose syndrome

Caver photographer in 2006 February took a shot of bats some 40 miles west of Albany, New York who all had an unusual white substance on their muzzles. The photographer also noticed some dead bats. The following winter irregular behavior of the bats, bats with white noses and the dead bats in the caves all came to the attention of the New York Department of Environmental Conservation biologists.

The biologist noted that this was due to white nose syndrome and documented it on January 2007. Hundreds of thousands of hibernating birds have died. The biologist, agencies, and the organizations all over the country are still trying to find a solution to this unknown mystery.

Many have found sick and dead bats in unprecedented number in and around the caves and mines. During hibernacula the bats move to the cold parts. They fly during the day and in the cold winter weather if the prey for them is not available they start to exhibit some uncharacteristic behavior.

Despite of the research to find the source of this unknown mystery the solution remains unknown. The recent identification of the cold loving fungus could be a first step for the answer.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Whipper Parakeet

Whipper the Mutant Parakeet has become famous in his home country of New Zealand, and now his popularity is spilling over into the rest of the world. Whipper's long, curly feathers, short flightless wings, and apparent blindness are the result of a a genetic mutation known to parakeet breeders as the "feather duster" mutation. After being placed with, and rejected by its mother, its owner took personal care of Whipper. This early separation from its own species may have resulted in its unique vocal sounds, and later reintroduction to other budgerigars caused normal calls to be more evident.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Jellyfish are floating animals that eat the fishes in the sea. Only a few species of jellyfish can be seen in fresh water. They are soft bodied animals that have long, stinging, and poisonous tentacles that are used to catch the fish. Jellyfish is made up of 98% of water.

There are many types of jellyfish and the size of the jelly fish also ranges from a few inches to the lion mane. Some jellyfish have the ability to glow in the dark.

The deadliest jellyfishes that can even kill a man are box jelly, Irukandji jelly, etc.

The life cycle of the jelly fish is quite dissimilar from the others.

The egg and the sperm are released in to the water by the adults and they meet in the water.

Then the Planula larva develops. It is a free swimming state.

Then it develops into a Polyp which settles on a hard surface and anchors itself and grows fully in the winter season.

Then the polyp hydroid colony forms which is linked by the feeding tubes. During the spring season the polyps bud off the tiny jellyfish.

Which grows into an adult having hood, oral arms, mouth and tentacles?

The body of the jellyfish comprises of six basic parts:

  1. Epidermis to protect the inner organs
  2. Gastrodermis – the inner layer
  3. Mesoglea – the area between the epidermis and gastrodermis
  4. Gastrovascular cavity – functions as a gullet, stomach and intestine.
  5. Orifice – functions as a mouth and anus
  6. Tentacles

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Eurasian Lynx

Eurasian Lynx is called as Lynx Lynx. it is a intermediate size wild cat. Lynx cats are native to the forest regions in Europe and Siberia. Lynx are highly predators.


Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae
Genus: Lynx
Species: L. lynx
Binomial name: Lynx lynx


The Eurasian lynx is the biggest wild cat of all the lynxes. Their length is 81 to 129 cm and weights about 18 kg sometimes the male can up to 30kg. The Lynx grey to reddish color black spots. They have long legs and large feet which allows them to travel in deep snow. Lynx are shy cats. They can run quickly only for a short distance. The normal life span of the Eurasian Lynx is 20 years.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

White deer

White deer’s are a rare herd of deer found in New York. These deer’s carry a recessive gene of all white coats and they are not albino. This white deer’s are now protected in the confines of the former Seneca Army dept in Seneca County in New York.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Do you know?

  1. What is a digit of a Tarsier is called as?
  2. How many Javan Rhinos are left in the Java reserve?
  3. What do Bactrain Camels store up in their humps?
  4. What is the special point about the Bengal tigers?
  5. How far can the call of the Siamang Gibbon's be heard?
  6. Which one does the Komodo Dragons will not eat?
  7. Siamese Fighting fish will glow in what color when it is angry?
  8. Caracal uses their tufts on the ears for what purpose?
  9. What is the weight of the Siberian tiger?
  10. How deep can a meerkat's burrow?
  11. Mandrills have _______ to prepare their food.
  12. The only natural enemy of Okapi's is?
  13. How do Mandrills spend most of their time in the day?
  14. The Okapi has excellent _______.
  15. Okapi can be related to?

  1. Finger or toe
  2. 50
  3. Fat Reserves
  4. Powerful and quick over short distances
  5. 2 miles
  6. Fish
  7. Metallic Green
  8. Signaling Devices
  9. 400 to 600 lb
  10. 10
  11. Fingers
  12. Leopard
  13. Looking for food
  14. Hearing
  15. Giraffe