Friday, August 21, 2009

First lungless frog discovered

In the jungles of Borneo a frog that breathes through its skin has been discovered. The frog does not posses lungs for its respiration. The biologist Bickford said that “it’s like a cookie, it’s almost completely flat. So initially when you pick up in the water you know this thing is strange”. The frog is so ugly as well as so cute. The frog is named as Barbourula kalimantanensis.

In the globe many frogs breathe through lungs but the Bornean flat headed frog is the one without the lungs. It appears that the frog has shed its lungs millions of years ago to adapt themselves to the fast flowing cold water rivers. Since cold water contains more oxygen making them possible to breathe through skin.

Apart from this frog only three other amphibians are found to evolve without the lungs. They are two species of salamander and caecilian a worm like creature.

The biologist believe that the lungs may have made the frogs ancestors to optimistic in the fast flowing waters increasing the risk of being swept away.


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