Monday, July 27, 2009

Australian birds

Australia has 700 species of native birds. Two of them, the cassowary and the emu, have strong legs and can run as fast as cars in the city traffic. Neither bird can fly. Emu chicks lose their stripes as they grow older.

The kookaburra is famous for its laughing call, which tells other kookaburras to keep away. Kookaburras eat insects and small animals such as lizards. They even eat snakes.

Flocks of parrot are one of Australia most colorful sights. These beautiful birds include budgerigars, galahs and cockatiels.

Most Australians parrot lay their eggs in hollow trees or branches. They eat seeds, fruits, nectar and insects. Some also eat pollen brightly colored rainbow lorikeets have slender bills to help them eat nectar and pollen.


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