Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What is an animal of Australia?

An animal of Australia lives only in Australia. It is called a native animal because it lived there before the first people came. Australia is an enormous continent in the South Seas. It has surrounded by vast oceans for millions of years.

A marsupial is an animal that carries its baby in a pouch. Australia has more marsupials than anywhere else in the world.

Marsupial babies are very small when they are born. The baby crawls through its mother’s fur and into her pouch. The pouch is like a pocket that protects the baby until it is big enough to survive on its own. Inside the pouch the baby feeds on its mother’s milk.

Kangaroos are large marsupials with strong back legs and small front paws. Koalas are small marsupials that live in eucalyptus or gum trees. The diprotodan was the biggest marsupial that ever lived in Australia. It looked like a wombat but was as big as rhinoceros. Wallabies, euros and wallaroos are all smaller members of the kangaroo family.


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